I go out for a bike ride every Friday with an eclectic group of expats who live and work in Kuwait. Yesterday, I told my Iranian friend Mohammad that my wife and I were going to Thailand for a vacation. Out of the blue, he asked me if I liked to fool around or if I was a one woman kind of guy. I told him I was very much the latter kind of fellow. He said that he heard in Thailand, there were all kinds of young, attractive women who would be happy to accompany middle aged men like me. He also said that he didn't know any American women, but from the movies he watched, it seemed like American women really don't like their men to fool around - do they really take it that seriously? I assured him that they most certainly do, and I'd be happy to introduce him to my wife who would validate what he has picked up from American movies.
So, a bit of a misnomer - we're really not off on a holiday, we'll be going to Thailand for medical tourism. The premise of medical tourism is combining a vacation with some medical procedures, and the cost of the vacation + whatever you get done should be the same or less than if you stayed in your home country. I'll be getting a physical, visiting a dermatologist, but my focus will be on dental work. My wife will be getting her bunions operated on, they are painful and she can't walk very far without her feet hurting. She started a blog about her experience, and I have a slightly competitive streak in me, so here we go. I chipped a tooth when I was a wee lad of about 10 while walking my bicycle across a bridge (of sorts) in Florham Park, NJ. The bridge was two planks laid over two telephone poles, and was our shortcut to stores that stocked candy (which didn't help my dental situation) - I tripped, fell about 12' and landed face first on a shopping cart that had been pushed into the brook. I got it capped when I was maybe 14. Over the years, the porcelain cap stayed the same color and the rest of the teeth, like me, got older. My dad has been particularly bothered by the contrast between the capped tooth and the rest of my teeth - he calls my cap the Bozo tooth. I thought it added character. Well, it's time to get the Bozo tooth fixed and see what else they have to offer - I'll be going to Bangkok Smile for my dental work http://www.bangkoksmiledental.com/dental_veneers.html
and Bumrungrad International hospital for everything else.

and Bumrungrad International hospital for everything else.
Wow Alan, This is absolutely fabulous work buddy, I'm really enjoying reading all your posts, The post above (and all the others) don't have a year on them, how do I know if they're from 2012 or 2011?
ReplyDeleteBut really you are inspiring me to make one of my own, but my English is not really up to par, I'll make a fool of myself :)
Bobak (Mohammad)