Tuesday, February 7, 2012


I suffered a crushing defeat today in the audiology department.  Gwyne and I got hearing tests today, back to back.  We let the audiologist know it was a competition.  Gwyne was up first.  For those of you do not  know Gwyne, I need to key you into the fact that she is loud, loud, loud.  Head turning loud.  Her hearing, I thought, must not have been up to par.  Someone in the family with hard hearing.  There could be no other explanation.  My hearing? It's on the downslope.  So we scheduled dueling hearing appointments.  After Gwyne's appointment, the audiologist said, "Hearing normal."  I was certain I didn't hear that correctly.  My test didn't go so well.  I don't hear so well in the higher ranges.  I asked the audiologist what that could be from, she said, getting old, genetics, and exposure to prolonged high pitched noise.  We both turned and looked at my Gwyne.  Ten long years of exposure.

The Bumrungrad experience was great.  I'm all about processes.  After our hearing test, we were given bar coded cards and a paper to take to the cashier.  Small glitch, they charged me $20 for the hearing test - that was later reversed, money refunded, insurance had taken care of it.  But, if insurance hadn't taken care of it, it would have only been $20.  But I loved the process - bar coded card, computerized, numbers on a screen in Thai and English, wait until your number is called - efficient.

Next up for me was my dental appointment - it was at a different branch and I took a nice long walk to get there.  For me, this trip was about my teeth and getting my dad off of my back about the Bozo tooth.  Yesterday, I had laser whitening.  Today was about getting the crown replaced and getting a veneer on the other tooth to match the crown.  The dentist said that she really couldn't make a guarantee that the match on the new crown would be much better than what I had with the laser whitening - maybe what I should do is continue to whiten at home, the crown is still structurally sound.   She said, "Up to you.  Save money, look just as good."  My kind of dentist.  So I was sent on my way with a dental tray based on a mold of my teeth and a specialized whitening kit.

And this a competition, healthwise and blogwise.   Gwyne's blog.  Full of numbers, statistics.  Reminds me of the Economics teacher in Ferris Bueller's Day Off.  Read her blog.  But read it, in it's entirety, in the tone of, "Bueller...Bueller...Bueller..." More on that later.

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